Department structure
Research groups at the Department of Geophysics are engaged in solving basic, research-scientific and applied geophysical problems. Generally, the area of interest covers problems of applied geophysics in prospecting, mining, engineering, and environmental applications. Researches carried out contribute to the development of science, and also commercial orders are implemented. The Department of Geophysics carries out projects that are directed towards the prospection of new mineral raw materials with specialized methodology and the improvement of known methods in detailed recognition of geological conditions and determination of petrophysical parameters of exploited deposits.
The staff of the Department of Geophysics includes 7 professors, 12 doctors (9 assistant professor and 3 assistant), 3 technical workers, and 3 PhD students.
Research groups of the Department of Geophysics conduct their activity in the following areas:
- Gravimetry and magnetometry
- Geoelectrical methods
- Petrophysics and laboratory measurements
- Well logging
- Seismic
Department of geophysics has led own undergraduate field of study since an academic year 2008/2009. Since 2011/2012 postgraduate field of study “Applied geophysics” has been led. Our students have also opportunity to continue their studies at English version of courses.