Laboratory of Gravity and Magnetic Research.
The Department of Geophysics has modern equipment to gravity and magnetic research: Autograv CG-5 gravimeter by Scintrex and caesium magnetometers G-859AS with a proton base G-856 by Geometrics. For data processing, the Oasis montaj package by Geosoft is used as well as the proprietary software.
In the field of magnetometry we undertake research in the following fields:
- secular variation of geomagnetic field
- deposits prospecting,
- supporting the solution of tectonic problems within the Earth’s crust,
- archaeological and historical prospecting in locating human settlements, cemeteries, remnants of infrastructure,
- possibilities of applying the magnetic method in the monitoring of landslides,
- possibilities of applying the magnetic method of environmental protection to illegal rubbish dumps detection,
- bedrock (basement) fissure.
In the field of gravimetry we undertake research in the following fields:
- recreation of areas subjected human impact on the environment,
- gravity monitoring,
- landscape planning,
- design of roads and motorways,
- the condition of mining shafts,
- the condition of levees and dams,
- determination of bulk density,
- detection of voids
- detection of unconsolidated zones over anthropogenic voids,
- prospecting of hydrocarbons and coal, mineral and metal ore deposits,
- tectonics recognition,
- geological setting recognition
- temporal gravity changes in geodynamic research.