Laboratory of seismic data processing and interpretation
Head: Kamil Cichostępski
The seismic interpretation team of Department of Geophysics conduct the processing and interpretation of seismic data. We utilize modern processing and interpreting systems for onshore, offshore, borehole and engineering seismic. |

Scope of activity:
- Onshore and offshore 2D/3D seismic data processing for structural and reservoir interpretation,
- Processing and interpretation of shallow seismic: refraction, MASW and high resolution seismic reflection profiling,
- Processing and interpretation of 1C/3C Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP),
- Construction of velocity models on the basis of borehole and seismic data for time-depth conversions,
- Resolution enchantments of post-stack and pre-stack data; – Elastic and acoustic wavefield modeling,
- Structural and stratygraphic interpretation of post-stack data.
- Lithofacial interpretation of post-stack and pre-stack data,
- Qualitative reservoir characterization with application of seismic attributes, DHI and AVO/AVA analysis,
- Qualitative reservoir characterization with application of post-stack and pre-stack inversion methods,
- Determination of elastic and petrophysical properties of rocks,
- Neural networks application for prediction of petrophysical properties of rocks,
- Utilization of post-stack and pre-stack seismic data and well logs in conventional and unconventional (shalegas, tightgas) reservoir characterization,
- Spectral analysis of seismic data,
- Rock physics studies